About malaria…

Malaria is a common threat for everyone travelling the central parts of Africa, especially in lower regions. Global warming also moves the ceiling for the endangered areas slowly upwards, so that you should reconsider rules of thumb like “no danger in the Highveld”. Over one million people die per year (which makes the Anopheles mosquito…

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4×4 walk

Do you still smirk at hikers who use these trekking sticks? Let me explain why it might be time to reconsider. Sticks improve balance. That doesn’t mean you have to lean on them with your full weight because you’d stumble otherwise, but the feedback from your hands is faster and more intense than from your…

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Natural soothing

Being an outdoor enthusiast comes with a price. Abrasions, burns, insect stings and bites or other injuries happen quickly and they can be very distracting at the wrong moment. If you see an aloe growing, soothing is close in reach. Just cut one of the thick leaves, squeeze it gently at the cut and apply…

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